Saturday, June 20, 2009


Photos of Glasgow, Scotland. We took a bus tour of this city too. This was also on Tuesday, June 16.

The top of the tour bus. We always tried to sit on the top so we could see better and get better (kinda) pictures. Difficult to take good pictures with the bus moving and bouncing, but still better than trying to take pictures through the glass.

I loved this one. Can you see what is in the bottom of this very old, historic building??? Great place for a Starbucks if you ask me. (of course, just about any place is a great place for Starbucks!)

While we enjoyed our tour of Glasgow, I did like Edinburgh better. Edinburgh was older and still had so much of its heritage. In Glasgow we learned that they have torn down older sections to put in more modern buildings and there was a push to tear down another older section to do the same. I found that to be very sad. So much history, beautiful history. I hope they decide to renovate rather than destroy.


  1. Leave it to you to find a Starbucks! Have you found a McAlisters yet?

  2. No McAlisters. They don't know what iced tea is over here!!!! Can't wait to get back the the wonderful United States of American and have a some good ol iced tea!!!!!!
